Two Things You Can Do to Extend Your Vehicle's Lifespan

Posted on: 4 October 2017

The process of purchasing a new car can be complicated and costly. Given this, it's sensible to do what you can to keep your current vehicle in great condition, so that you can avoid incurring this type of major expense for as long as possible. Read on to find out how you can extend your car's lifespan.

Get your vehicle serviced frequently

There are very few things that will have more of an influence on the lifespan of your vehicle than the frequency with which you have it serviced.

The checks, adjustments and fluid top-ups (such as engine oil and brake fluid) that are carried out during a typical car service can not only help to improve your vehicle's road performance and fuel economy but can also drastically reduce the chances of the car developing serious faults which could lead to it failing prematurely.

For example, during a standard servicing appointment, most mechanics will replace the engine coolant fluid and check for leaks which could cause the levels of this liquid to drop.

The quality and quantity of coolant in an engine play a crucial role in a vehicle's lifespan, as this liquid stops the engine from getting overheated.

If the coolant in a car degrades or if a leak leads to the coolant levels dropping to an unsafe level, the engine will overheat. An overheating engine can lead to the rapid destruction of crucial components; in addition to warping the engine's cylinder heads, it can also cause the engine's electrical wiring and seals to melt.

As such, by taking your car in for a servicing at least once a year, you can prevent these type of serious faults from developing and thus keep your vehicle in roadworthy condition for much longer.

Wash your car regularly

Washing your car on a regular basis doesn't just help to maintain its appearance; it can also help to prevent the premature wearing of crucial parts.

As a car is driven along a road, soil and stones often end up being flung onto its undercarriage. The undercarriage of a vehicle features several important components, including parts of the suspension, the differential, the transmission and the engine.

Dried-on dirt and sharp stones can abrade these components, or (in the case of rotating gears) cause them to seize up. This type of damage can then lead to bigger problems with your car's transmission, suspension or engine systems.

As such, it is essential to give your vehicle a thorough washing approximately three to four times a month (or even more frequently, if you regularly drive on poorly-maintained rural roads).
