
  • Demystifying Car Service Jargon: What Happens During A Tune-Up?

    For many car owners, the language of mechanics can seem like an undecipherable code. One common term that often leaves drivers scratching their heads is the 'tune-up'. Despite its ubiquity, many people are unsure about what a tune-up involves and when they should get one. This post aims to provide clarity on the tune-up process. What Is a Tune-Up? In simple terms, a tune-up refers to routine maintenance performed on a vehicle to ensure it operates at peak efficiency.
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  • How To Negotiate With A Scrap Car Dealer When Your Vehicle Reaches The End Of The Road

    If you're looking to buy a replacement car on a budget, you'll have plenty of options in the Australian used-car market. And if you want to trade in a vehicle in order to get such a replacement, many second-hand dealers will oblige. However, there is a limit to the type of vehicle that you can offer in this situation, and if your current set of wheels has covered a great distance in its life, you may need to look elsewhere.
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  • How Your Car Will Start Reminding You It Needs A Service

    Unless you have a high-end smart car that will actually, vocally remind you that it is time to get a car service, most people assume that their car does not communicate with them about this topic. While you are right in that it doesn't chat with you about anything, it will give off physical signs that indicate when it needs to be serviced that you should always be on the lookout for.
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  • Top Tips When Choosing a Mechanic

    Choosing a mechanic can be a challenging task. Below is a short guide on the various considerations you should make when choosing a mechanic. Reputation Examine the mechanic's reputation by checking online reviews and seeking testimonials from some of his or her clients. Avoid mechanics with poor customer service, low-quality work and overpriced services. The mechanic should have adequate experience. It is a guarantee that he or she can diagnose and repair common vehicle problems.
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  • 3 Things to Know Before You Buy a Turbo Charger Online

    When you decide to buy a turbo charger for your car, you may consider the option to buy a turbo charger online. There are many stores online that offer the ability to buy a turbo charger for cars ranging from vintage cars to newer makes and models. If you have decided to go with an online option, there are several things you need to know before you buy. Here are three of those key points and what to know about each one.
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  • How to Choose the Right Tyres for Your Vehicle

    The right tyres for your vehicle are very important, as strong and secure tyres help you to better control the vehicle, especially when turning and braking. The vehicle's tyres are also going to affect how easily you get stuck in mud and snow, and how quickly you can accelerate from a stop. The wrong tyres can mean poor fuel economy and spending too much on petrol for the vehicle. Since tyres are so important, note a few tips on the right type to choose for your vehicle.
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  • How to Kick off Your Career As a Truck Driver

    Do you consider yourself to be something of a loner, but nevertheless a self-starter, as well? If so, you may be eyeing a life on the open road as an Australian truck driver. This type of occupation will certainly allow you to see this vast country and to get the feeling that you're your own boss, but first of all you have to get the right type of licence. What is involved?
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  • Uncommon Questions About Automotive Air Conditioning Maintenance

    Your vehicle's air conditioning is very important, for you and even for the vehicle itself. An interior that is overly hot and humid can mean cracked vinyl on the dashboard and steering wheel, and exposure to prolonged, excessive heat can also mean damage to the windscreen so that it becomes weakened over time. If you know your vehicle's air conditioning is in need of repair, note a few commonly asked questions you might have about this system, so you know to get it fixed properly.
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  • How to Take Care of Your Vehicle's Windscreen

    Your car's windshield is the most prominent defense against everything that the wind blows at you while driving such as dust, debris, and even rocks. It also prevents the driver from being ejected from the car in case of a crash and supports the vehicle's airbags and roof. Knowing very well that prevention is better than cure, it is essential to take care of the windscreen to prevent damage and enhance its lifespan.
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  • How to Choose the Best Type of Ladder Rack for Your Profession

    If you are a tradesman, contractor or builder, then you will need a professional ladder in order to conduct your business. This will be one of your more indispensable tools if you are to be successful at your profession. However, these tools can be unwieldy and difficult to carry from place to place, and this is why you need to consider their transportation method when you are kitting out your van or truck for the work ahead.
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