Uncommon Questions About Automotive Air Conditioning Maintenance

Posted on: 23 October 2017

Your vehicle's air conditioning is very important, for you and even for the vehicle itself. An interior that is overly hot and humid can mean cracked vinyl on the dashboard and steering wheel, and exposure to prolonged, excessive heat can also mean damage to the windscreen so that it becomes weakened over time. If you know your vehicle's air conditioning is in need of repair, note a few commonly asked questions you might have about this system, so you know to get it fixed properly.

What are the differences in refrigerants?

If you have been told that your vehicle's air conditioner needs more refrigerant, be cautious about adding this yourself; your vehicle may contain an older refrigerant that is no longer in use or available on store shelves. Older refrigerants contain chlorine and other elements that are damaging to the environment, so they are typically not sold in many supply stores; you may then need to retrofit your vehicle's system to a newer air conditioner system that uses newer types of refrigerant. Your mechanic can discuss your options if you have an older vehicle, but don't assume that refrigerants are like other fluids in the car, where all brands and types are virtually interchangeable.

What is black death?

The term "black death" is sometimes used by mechanics when a vehicle's air conditioner hasn't been properly lubricated over the years. This leads to a build-up of fluids and other debris inside the compressor that solidifies, and which cannot be removed. There may be dark flakes of this debris that make its way to the vents in the dashboard, but when this happens, the compressor needs replacing, which is why this condition is referred to as black death. Proper maintenance of the air conditioner can help avoid this condition, so ensure you have the vehicle's air conditioner checked every year, or as often as recommended in the owner's manual.

What is an air conditioner flush?

As with all other parts of your vehicle that have fluids inside, it's good to get the air conditioner flushed regularly. This will help avoid the black death mentioned above, and a flush will also find any refrigerant leaks so they can be repaired as needed. This flush can help prolong the life of the air conditioner, and also ensure you don't need to replace the refrigerant needlessly. A flush can also remove dust and debris that could otherwise make it to the dashboard vents and fans, keeping the air in the cab of the vehicle cleaner.

Contact an air conditioner repair service for more information and assistance. 
