How Your Car Will Start Reminding You It Needs A Service

Posted on: 3 November 2021

Unless you have a high-end smart car that will actually, vocally remind you that it is time to get a car service, most people assume that their car does not communicate with them about this topic. While you are right in that it doesn't chat with you about anything, it will give off physical signs that indicate when it needs to be serviced that you should always be on the lookout for. These can be small to pretty major problems in their own right, so make sure to act fast and get your car service done on time as much as possible.

Squealing Tires

If you are hearing loud squealing noises that almost sound like a dog whistle in their pitch, then you need a car service immediately to not only get rid of that sound and have some peace and quiet but also to be safe. High-pitched brake noises indicate that your brake pads are not handling their usual load like they should be, whether that be because they are too thin now or because they were installed poorly. Whatever the case may be, you need them replaced with new ones and most car services will offer this feature.

Air Conditioning Isn't As Cold

When your air conditioning filters have been packed to the brim with outside dust and germs it will no longer be as efficient as you probably would like. On the other hand, this problem with your AC could be completely independent of the rest of the car and could be a more serious breakdown in the electrical system. Whatever it is, it needs to be fixed and fixed fast. Summer is approaching, and there are few things more uncomfortable than driving around a hot, sticky car in the middle of an Australian summer with no air conditioning.

Warning Lights

While a lot of people joke about warning lights, the truth is that they do deserve to be taken seriously because they tell you important information about how your car is travelling. This is especially important if you get one of the more serious alerts, such as the engine temperature, which could have drastic consequences should you ignore it. Yes, it can be frustrating to deal with warning lights when they seem to come on so often, but if you want to keep driving for the foreseeable future without buying a new car, then a car service is absolutely necessary to get these lights investigated. 
