How to Choose the Right Tyres for Your Vehicle

Posted on: 2 November 2017

The right tyres for your vehicle are very important, as strong and secure tyres help you to better control the vehicle, especially when turning and braking. The vehicle's tyres are also going to affect how easily you get stuck in mud and snow, and how quickly you can accelerate from a stop. The wrong tyres can mean poor fuel economy and spending too much on petrol for the vehicle. Since tyres are so important, note a few tips on the right type to choose for your vehicle.

Highway and touring

Highway and touring tyres are not meant for off-roading, or to be driven in snow. These tyres will have very shallow tread, and in a pattern that offers little resistance against the pavement. This is to ensure the vehicle accelerates easily after a full stop, and doesn't experience drag while driving on paved roads. Highway and touring tyres will also usually be made with insulating rubber that absorbs sound, for maximum comfort while driving. However, these tyres may easily get stuck in snow and ice, and won't offer much strength when trying to get your vehicle unstuck, so only choose these for commuting. You may also want to have snow tyres ready for a swap once the seasons change.

On/off road, all-terrain

If you take your vehicle off-roading, or drive on rural, unpaved roads, you want an on/off road or all-terrain tyre. These will have deeper tread that is meant to help dig the vehicle through mud, sand, and light snow. Choose the on/off road variety if you also use your vehicle for highway driving, as this type will have tread that is deep enough for sand and mud, but which isn't so deep that it drags while you're driving on paved roads.

Rugged terrain, maximum traction

As the name implies, rugged terrain tyres are for serious off-road adventures, as the tread will be very deep, and the design of the tread will help you to easily drive over brush and vegetation. Maximum traction is good for driving in deep snow and mud, and may be needed by farmers who drive their trucks over muddy soil, or commercial vehicles that can't risk getting stuck in the snow during winter months. You may even notice that the pattern on maximum traction tyres is designed to curve and slope inward, toward the middle of the tyre, and this helps to provide even more traction and strength in case the vehicle gets stuck in snow or mud.

For more information, contact a business such as O'Neills Tyres.
